What is a solstice?

According to past knowledge, ancient cultures tracked the sun’s path across the sky to infer the length of day, location of sunrise, location of sunset, etc., building monuments like Stonehenge to follow the sun’s yearly progress. Today, we know solstice as an event caused by the Earth’s tilt on its axis and its orbiting motion around the sun. A solstice happens at the same instant all across the Earth.

Interesting Fact : If you stand right at the Sphinx’s head, on the summer solstice, and gaze towards the two pyramids, you’ll see the sun set right between them.

During the June solstice, Earth’s position in its orbit is such that the North Pole leans heavily towards the sun. As seen from Earth, the sun is directly overhead at noon, 23.5 degrees north of the equator. As you may know, this occurs at an imaginary line encircling the globe known as the Tropic of Cancer. This is as far north as the sun ever reaches.

Everything North of the equator have days longer than 12 hours at the June solstice. Whereas, everything south of the equator have days shorter than 12 hours.

What significance does it have ?

21st June marks the day which, empirically, provides the ideal situation for anything that can make use of the long period of sunlight. Whether its crops, photosynthesis, drying clothes or most importantly, solar energy generation, it’s this day that is still highly regarded for its long sunlight hours.
In case of solar rooftop systems, June 21 plays a significant role as maximum electricity production may be observed by the owners of such solar systems. Zunroof does not fail to recognise such opportunities, for its potential customers, to be up-to-date with solar news and also realise the benefits as well as the means of how to go solar.

To learn more about solar, visit www.zunroof.com

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