Indian Railways to Source 1 GW of Solar Energy by 2020-21

The Indian Railways, in a statement issued on thursday, said it plans to source 1.2 GW of green energy of which 1 GW will be from Solar and 200 MW will be from wind energy. As per the statement, solar rooftops-with combined capacity of 500 MW will be mounted on roofs of railways department to meet non-traction loads at railway stations and remaining 500 MW will be ground mounted installations used to meet both traction and non-traction loads.

South Central Railway is one of the zones actively implementing several measures aimed at energy conservation by harnessing renewable energy. One of the significant actions taken in this direction has been the installation of solar panels at stations, service buildings, LC gates etc. across the zone. Taking this step to the next level, for the first time all the stations in a particular section of the South Central Railway have been provided with solar panels at one stretch to tap the natural energy. This will not only help in meeting power needs of all the stations in the section but also save expenditure for the Railways.

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