zunroof_Undeniable Reasons to Go Solar

Undeniable Reasons to Go Solar

Most of the people like the idea of solar energy, but remain unconvinced for going solar.

This post is specially crafted for those you are still reluctant to start their amazing journey of using solar energy.

Without ado, let’s quickly see what those compelling reasons are

Solar Energy is Affordable

The cost of producing and installing solar power systems has dropped dramatically when compared with systems from just ten years ago. A highly competitive market and enormous global demand continue to drive prices down and it’s no wonder that the industry is experiencing a boom in India.

Plus, there are still plenty of generous government incentives, which add up to lakhs of rupees saved over the lifetime of your system.

Forget About Exorbitant Electricity Bills

We all know that dreaded feeling that comes when you see your power bill in the mail. How much will it cost? Have you budgeted enough?

Having the right solar electricity system on your roof eases this tension. Here at Zunroof we work with your unique wants and needs to ensure your solar energy system is both within your budget and designed to maximise your savings.

Generate Electricity at Your Home

Energy from the sun beams down on your home every day; even in winter and on overcast days.

When you have solar PV panels on your roof, you harness this power and generate electricity that you can use in your home. Surplus power is fed back into the grid and depending on your utility you’ll be credited for the power you provide. When you don’t have solar PV panels, the limitless power of the sun is lost on your home.

A Way to Give Back What Nature Deserves

Installing solar PV panels on your roof is one of the easiest and most practical ways of contributing to a sustainable future. Though most of us would love to be rallying in the world’s rain-forests or scouting the ocean for illegal poachers, it’s not something we’d usually get around to! Going solar makes you give back what our nature deserves; installing a small 1 kW solar electricity system prevents the release of an incredible 1.5 tonnes of carbon every year.

Solar Panels are Long Term Investment

Your solar system will start saving you money the moment it’s switched on, but the benefits of solar power run well into the future. Indeed, the longer you have your system, the more benefits you enjoy. Most solar systems pay themselves off in less than five years, and they add value to your home.

Most importantly, ZunRoof prides itself on exceptional after-sales service. We’re dedicated to our customers long after their initial purchase and offer quick turnaround on solar servicing, maintenance and repairs.

Room to Expand in Future

ZunRoof gives you the option of expanding your current solar electricity system in the future. We understand that circumstances change and your energy requirements can increase. That’s why we offer a range of expandable systems which have the potential to grow with your needs.

Increase the Value of Your Property

As more Indians see the value in solar PV panels, getting a quality system installed on your property adds instant desirability and value. Adding a solar rooftop system is just like any other high-value improvements done in your house, such as remodelling the kitchen, adding a wooden flooring or even repainting the entire house. All these renovations significantly increase the value of your house, as does a solar rooftop system.

And guess what!

Unlike any of the renovations, installing a solar energy system lets you generate the energy of your own and you can even save money off your electricity bill by selling the excess energy back to the grid.

Keynote: Going solar saves you money, help you reduce pollution, it is smart and free energy- it makes you live better with a lesser carbon footprint and gives you that proud as well.

Have we missed anything? Let us know in the comment section.

Do give our blog a read for all your solar-related questions. You can also check out other interesting updates on solar on our Facebook page (facebook.com/zunroof)

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