on grid solar panels in india

Everything you need to know before installing a Solar Rooftop

With each passing day, people are becoming more and more aware about the bigger man- made environmental demons. The idea of conserving energy and using sustainable materials, more feasible,  than coal or wood is gaining popularity. One of the common practises among modern sustainable methods which is gaining immense popularity with time is powering houses through solar energy. 

It’s turned out to be quite money saving and an investment opportunity for the homemakers. But, since the practise is still new, people especially, the common one are not aware of certain facts needed to keep in mind before installing a solar rooftop system. Here are some important factual measures one should always go through before the installation of a solar rooftop.

1.Rooftop Feasibility For Installation Of Solar Panel
Solar Rooftops In India are costly. Once they are installed, removing them could prove to be expensive . Thus, the first thing which one needs to check before installation of solar rooftop panels is the condition of the roof. If the roof could last for another twenty years, installing the panels would bear the required financial fruits one is expecting. A solar rooftop is expected to give investment results for the next 25-30 years. But, in that case if the span of the roof is lesser than mentioned timeline, solar rooftops, instead of being a money making commodity can turn up to be a financial constraint for the consumer. Thus, roof plays the most important role as far as the first step in the installation is concerned. Sometimes, people are not sure about the roof due to their less infrastructural knowledge. In that case, a roofing company must be consulted at the earliest.

The orientation and the angle of the roof should be considered while installing solar panels. Since India is a country situated in the Northern Hemisphere, a south facing roof will be considered quite ideal to install solar rooftops.

Another important characteristic is the angle of the roof, wherein the most effective solar panels are at 30-35 degrees. One should also check if the adjoining areas of the roofs are shaded by trees, buildings or any other tall objects. The solar panel installer must indicate the consumer about the roof size and the ROI coming out from it. Gurgaon-headquartered Zunroof has devised a calculator which will give one monthly savings based upon the location and size of the roof. Consumers can use it to make their derivations quantifiable. 

2.Your Electricity Bills
Electricity Bills are an important factor when it comes to the cost saving attribute of a solar panel. Electricity bills tend to vary with the change in climate. Since, the main reason to install solar panels in India somewhat revolves around the increasing bills, consumers need to analyse their bills properly. If the bill comes out to be around INR 9-10/unit, usage of solar rooftops would decrease it considerably to around INR 2-3/unit. 

3.Types Of Solar Rooftops
Before installation of solar rooftops, one should always know the types of solar rooftops in market:

  1. Monocrystalline:These cells are made up of uniform crystals, usually the source being pure and large silicon crystal bars. Due to the presence of uniform panels, the space wastage is reduced and efficiency is increased. Strong sunlight is required for the full potential use of these panels.
  2. Polycrystalline: These are moulded and purified panels made up of smear sheets of crystal. These are less efficient, but are less expensive as well. 

Both these kinds of panels have various unique characteristics. Consumers must choose between two panels depending upon their budget and space required. Polycrystalline panels, depending upon their efficiency rate and cost are suggested by experts for residential purposes. 

4. Solar Panel Mounting:
Another aspect of the solar panel installation is the mounting. If the house is located in a cyclone prone area, one should make sure that the solar panels are subjected to the withstand the risk associated. After all, one doesn’t want the solar panels to fly off along with the speed of wind. There are two different mounting systems, namely the flush mounting and the floor mounting. Floor Mounting is required for the areas which hold the solar panels more tightly and are a bit costly as compared to the flush mounting. Flush mountings are feasible in those areas where the natural disasters wind related disasters do not have their say. Suppliers and Installers sometimes try to skimp the mounting part, but consumers need to be aware of it. 

5. Better Inverter Efficiency:
According to a residential solar plant installer in California , Kelly Larson,”Inverters form the backbone of a home solar plant”. These are the prime components in a solar rooftop as the electricity gets converted from DC to AC. The more the efficiency of the inverter, the lesser the electricity will be wasted as heat during the conversion process. 

Consumers should be wary of the generic brands and should only install the branded ones for better results. 

6. Warranty Period:
The last piece of meat in the jigsaw is the warranty period. Since consumers expect a return for around 20-25 years, they need to maintain a  kind of auspicious relationship with the installers. There are companies which provide a warranty period of around 25 years, but their processes, consumer support or business hold does not get hold up to the mark. This can prompt the users to get a bad impression of the installation venture, resulting in a tussle between the two parties.Being a long term process, consumers should always go for a trustworthy company that can provide replacements for the residential solar rooftops. 

The recent surge in switching to solar and generation of power on their own has made solar into a multi-million industry. The need for solar energy and installation of solar panels will increase in the near future, resulting in more technological development. This recent solar insurgence has resulted in a “solar renaissance”, bonding both common people and the environmentalist of the decade. 

In that case, solar rooftops create a bridge between the pioneers of solar industry and common people, wherein they help in making solar industry better, resulting in a much better serving of Mother Earth.

Do give our blog a read for all your solar-related questions. You can also check out other interesting updates on solar on our Facebook page (facebook.com/zunroof)

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